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Stand Up for Your Rights
With Help From a Disability Attorney

Call Andrew J. Muirhead

Andrew J. Muirhead

The Americans with Disabilities Act was implemented in 1990 to protect individuals with disabilities from general discrimination, and to offer them equal rights pertaining to access to employment, housing, education, and public services. When most Americans hear the phrase "civil rights," it seems that the first thing that comes to mind is race, gender, or ethnicity; yet, the one marginalized group that needs the most help may be people with disabilities.

In light of all the discussions about discrimination that proliferate every media source, it is interesting, and even shameful, that so little attention is paid to people with disabilities. Although it is required by law, you still find public places where handicapped access is limited or non-existent. When you really stop and think about it, it seems like many people remain insensitive to the rights of disabled people.

Whether the discrimination is intentional or not, disability attorneys can help people with disabilities to stand up for their rights. Whether a person feels that his or her rights have been violated in regards to employment, housing, or public service, disability attorneys possess the experience, skills, and knowledge needed to navigate the complex landscape of disability law.

Of course, disability discrimination often goes beyond housing, employment, and access to public service, and can affect the benefits one receives from the government. For instance, if a person who is disabled meets all of the requirements to receive Social Security disability benefits, they should get all of the benefits they deserve. Unfortunately, the government does not always operate as smoothly as it should, nor does it always make the most equitable decisions.

In the event that a disabled person is having difficulties getting the Social Security disability benefits that he or she thinks they deserve, Social Security disability lawyers can help. Social Security disability lawyers are highly knowledgeable about the ADA, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and all laws related to disability and Social Security disability.

Discrimination is no small matter, and defending your rights is not something to be taken lightly. This is especially true when the discrimination involves Social Security disability benefits. Thus, if you or someone you know feels that they are a victim of disability discrimination of any kind, it is crucial that they contact a Social Security and disability attorney right away.


The Law Offices of Andrew J. Muirhead is a leading Arizona law firm dedicated to the representation of clients involving all aspects of Social Security Disability Law. We handle cases throughout the greater Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Kingman, Yuma, and all of Arizona.

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